Nantong Hualong Microelectronics Co., Ltd.

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Cultivate 300,000 talents in the field of microelectronics in 3 years! China Microelectronics Special Committee was established in Shenzhen


Shenzhen News Network, August 11, 2020 (Reporter Liang Yuqi, Jin Hongzhu, Correspondent Chen Rubing, Lv Xiaoqiu, Yang Han) On August 10, the Microelec...

Shenzhen News Network, August 11, 2020 (Reporter Liang Yuqi, Jin Hongzhu, Correspondent Chen Rubing, Lv Xiaoqiu, Yang Han) On August 10, the Microelectronics Technology Professional Committee initiated by the China Vocational and Technical Education Society was established in Shenzhen Vocational and Technical College of Information, all academicians , Experts, scholars, and business representatives gathered on “online + offline”, with the theme of “gathering intelligence, leading, integrating, and creating core” to discuss strategic development plans, take the initiative to directly address the “pain points” of the industry, and accurately meet the needs of talent training , Promote the vocational education school-enterprise collaborative education in the field of microelectronics, and the integrated development of industry, education, science and use.

The conference heard, reviewed and voted on the "Work Regulations of the Microelectronics Technology Professional Committee", and elected 1 first director of the special committee, 1 executive deputy director, 5 deputy directors, 1 secretary general, and deputy secretary general. Seven of them, Chen Feng, executive vice president of the Chinese Vocational Education Association and director of the School Planning and Construction Development Center of the Ministry of Education, was elected as the director of the special committee, Liu Jin, secretary of the party committee of Shenzhen Institute of Information Technology, was elected as the executive deputy director, and Xu Zhiliang, vice president of Shenzhen Information Institute, was elected as the secretary general .

The reporter learned from the scene that the first batch of 45 member units joined the conference, from government departments, research universities, leading companies in the field of microelectronics, vocational colleges and applied undergraduate universities. The Microelectronics Special Committee has also established an expert steering committee, with President Lu Xin serving as the chairman, and invited academicians, young scientists, entrepreneurs and other top experts to serve as experts on the expert steering committee. In addition, the Microelectronics Special Committee has also established the Secretariat of the Microelectronics Special Committee and the National Microelectronics Technology Professional Teacher Training Base at Shenzhen Institute of Information Technology to build a high-end technical skills talent training and training system for microelectronics related professional talents. Cultivate and inject strong "core" agents.

Chen Feng said in his report on the work of the special committee that the microelectronics special committee will fulfill its responsibilities, assume the country’s special missions and responsibilities, connect with industrial goals, adapt to the needs of industrial digital transformation and upgrade, adhere to the development model of integration of production, education and science, and do a good job in microelectronics. Talent support in the electronics industry. Next, the Microelectronics Special Committee will conscientiously implement the "Notice of the State Council on Printing and Distributing Several Policies to Promote the High-quality Development of the Integrated Circuit Industry and Software Industry in the New Era" (Guo Fa [2020] No. 8), and concentrate its efforts to form 3 research groups Establish three centers for curriculum reform, microelectronics information and information, and teacher training, establish a platform for collaborative innovation of production and education integration, and collaborative training of outstanding talents, build a special resource database for microelectronics talents, run a microelectronics talent training forum, and give full play to the microelectronics committee Will lead the way, export high-tech talents for the development of the microelectronics industry, and promote China's microelectronics career technology to a new and better stage.

At the expert forum, Lu Xin, former vice minister of the Ministry of Education and president of the Chinese Society of Vocational and Technical Education, gave a keynote report on the topic of "Microelectronics Industry Development: Talent Training Issues and Countermeasures", reporting the historical requirements for upgrading the industrial chain and the development of the microelectronics industry. The status quo and the countermeasures for the cultivation of microelectronics talents were developed in three aspects. She said that microelectronics technology represents the core competitiveness of the country. The Microelectronics Special Committee has now formulated a "3+4+5" development plan, which is planned to be used for about three years to lead 400 colleges and universities across the country to cultivate 300,000 talents in the field of microelectronics. 5000 teachers; focus on the construction of professional standards research base, textbook construction output base, teaching method reform demonstration base, teacher ability training base and other four major carriers; implement the national layout of microelectronics professional colleges, and the overall improvement of the microelectronics professional teacher team. Five measures include the overall adjustment of the construction of microelectronics teaching materials, the overall construction of microelectronics talent training standards, and the overall transformation of microelectronics professional scene teaching.

Chen Qiuming, director of the Shenzhen Municipal Education Bureau, stated that the Shenzhen Municipal Party Committee and Municipal Government have long attached great importance to the development of the integrated circuit industry and clearly included integrated circuits in the category of strategic emerging industries. The inaugural meeting of the Microelectronic Technology Professional Committee of the Chinese Vocational and Technical Education Society was held in Shenzhen, and the secretariat was established in Shenzhen Institute of Information Technology, marking that Shenzhen Education is on the road to accurately meet the needs of the country, support the development of the integrated circuit industry, and cultivate technical skills. Another solid step has been taken.

2020-08-17 811 view

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